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How to Singing Bowls

Singing Bowls has long been a great symbol of music and art. The Chinese have used them for ages to create sounds and to perform rituals, whilst the Egyptians used them extensively as a way to scare evil spirits away. These days we have the technology to recreate these bowls with a computer chip inside, but what do we do with them? Well, you could build a small radio controlled car using a singing bowl as the motor, and then tuning forks as the wheels. Or you could use your imagination and build a whole song cycle from a single voice.

If you want something a bit more tangible, you could try getting hold of some hollowed out reed balls or chicken wings and filling them with wax or other things to help them produce sound. Castles, chalets and barns were once made of hollowed-out logs and bricks, which is how they got their name. Singing Bowls are made in similar ways. You can get hollow pipes or even hollowed out old CD cases (the covers can often be reused) and put them in a bowl and turn them on. Watch the magic! Read more  great  facts on silver sky imports,  click here. 

If you're not keen on this idea, try making a Singing Bowl by filling a clear acrylic bowl with water, placing a small lamp on it, and adding a few drops of vinegar. Let the singing bowl take the light and heat it up a bit, this will produce a lovely flickering light. Pop in a candle and watch it go up and down!

Now you may be worried that by playing around with the various materials mentioned above you might cause some damage to your utensils. This is not the case however, the materials are specifically designed to withstand the heat created by your singing. So nothing will happen. Your bowl will be safe and sound, and you can practice any songs you like without worrying about damaging it. If you get a glass bowl, you can still use the other one, so there's no reason why you can't mix and match the colors as well! For more  useful  reference,  have a peek on this  link here. 

It's also important to know that you do not have to use only one song for your singing bowl. In fact, many people use more than one bowl for practicing their voice. For each different song they sing, they just take one, play it and then practice it some more. The more you sing, the higher you will reach in pitch and the brighter your voice will sound! Singing high notes is great for attracting girls and getting yourself recognized in jazz clubs!

There you have it, my three favorite ways to make a bowl of music come alive! Practice, and more practice until you are ready to sing live at your next performance! The best part is though, these songs never stop coming back to you. The best advice I ever got when I was just starting out was to keep my music and my practicing fresh. Don't ever stop learning or start relying on others to make you sing! If anything, be a better singer yourself!


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